The Internet lit up like a pinball machine. Sen. John McCain called on Kerry to apologize. Shortly thereafter the grand whirligig of the GOP message machine started churning, with denunciatory press releases from the usual suspects.
What's funny/tragic is that Goldberg writes of "the GOP message machine" as if completely unaware that he's a cog in it.
Wow. Striking out for new frontiers in bullshittery, Jonah now claims that Kerry's "intent now doesn't matter".
Kerry is the sort of person who one would expect to believe the sort of thing he actually said (just see some of the liberal blogs who insist Kerry's gaffe was accurate). In other words, it made sense coming from Kerry. I seem to recall Derb once noting that he wouldn't use the word "niggardly" in racially mixed company because it might be misconstrued even when his usage and intent were benign. Well, when John Kerry offers a statement like the one he did yesterday, a reasonable person might well say, "there he goes again." And a fair-minded person might expect him to apologize for any unintended offense. Kerry refused because Kerry has the self-awareness of carpet mold. So, rather than apologize for what he claims was a miscommunication, he insists instead that no fair-minded person in the world could have thought Kerry was the kind of guy who would haughtily denigrate the troops, even though Kerry has done exactly that on more than one occassion.
The overlapping layers of idiocy at work here are rather impressive: Because Jonah and other cogs in the right wing noise machine have mischaracterized Kerry's past criticisms of the President as "denigrating the troops", it's now completely reasonable to construe Kerry's criticisms of the President as "denigrating the troops." I notice with no surprise that Jonah doesn't provide any evidence for Kerry having "denigrated the troops" in the past, he just makes the unsubstantiated assertion and moves on. This pundit stuff sure is easy!
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