Monday, October 04, 2004


I have returned from a weekend with the fellas in the mountains (near Twisp, WA) refreshed, revitalized, and (slightly) richer. The Gentlemen's Poker Retreat was a great success: meat was grilled, brown liquors imbibed, odors discussed, and moneys exchanged.

I love nature, that is I love nature when I look at it from the porch of a cabin with electricity and full kitchen, so this place was just what I needed. There was also a cedar sauna which I so enjoyed that I've tracked down a place in Seattle for a schvitz.

Frito has posted some photos. Here's the cabin we stayed in. Here's me making a bold move and/or about to lose my money on a stupid bet. Here's me the following day, enjoying a ciggie and a screwdriver. I'm still in my robe and slippers, so it's probably some time before 4 pm.


Anonymous said...

You rock! I was just about to try and search for a local bathhouse that doesn't have Tears for Fears playing as it's muzak.


Robert Farley said...

You win? How much slightly richer?