Tuesday, August 17, 2004


In his ongoing attempt to overtake Peggy Noonan as the country's most insipid pundit, Dick Morris muses

...the key issue is whether America is at war or at peace. And Osama bin Laden has more to say about that than any other person. If he ratchets up the terror threat to the United States and has us looking over our shoulders and thinking twice before we fly, we will feel at war and will back Bush. But if he lets up and backs off for the election, we will revert back to our peacetime posture and likely elect the Democrat.

Translation: Widespread panic breaks in favor of Republicans.

Something tells me the Republicans know this.

Also, this statement by Morris is in dire need of clarification:

It is not unusual in Israeli politics for the terrorists to hold the balance of power in the election in their hands. In 1996, the pro-peace process Labor Party led Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party until right before the election. Then, a wave of terror bombings, unleashed by Hamas and Hezbollah — likely with Yasser Arafat's blessings — torpedoed the chances of the doves and elected the hard-liners instead.

Unsurprisingly, Morris forgets to mention that, immediately preceding those terror bombings, Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres launched a series of assassinations of Palestinian leaders in an attempt to shore up right-wing support for the upcoming election. Peres underestimated the intensity of the Palestinian reprisals, and thus Peres and Hamas effectively cooperated in bringing to power the disastrous Netanyahu government.

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