Friday, August 06, 2004


To me, the only thing sadder than an aged Marxist is a young conservative. At least the Marxist is (desperately) holding on to some idealism, whereas a young conservative is starting out with none. But just as I often find myself sucked into those police chase shows, just waiting to see the inevitable crash, I couldn't turn away when I came across National Review editor Rich Lowry, positively exuding Greg Marmalard-ness, addressing Young America's Foundation on C-SPAN yesterday. (I couldn't find a transcript, but here's the link if you want to watch for yourself.)

Lowry's speech consisted of the typical conservative boilerplate, snide digs at liberals, a skepticism of multilateral institutions bordering on paranoia, a worship of American power that crossed over into the religious, etc., and was delivered to an audience that was about as diverse as an Andy Williams concert.

Then, on my rounds today, I came across this on NRO's The Corner:

Regarding the young conservative group that Rich addressed last night (on CSPAN), I happened to tune in during question and answer session. It was impossible to miss the young female questioners who had fallen under his spell, as if Lowry had exchanged "mojo" with the Hollywood hunk of the week.

Particularly the blonde junior from Furman...Rich tried to squirm out of her question (and her batting eyes) ASAP.

Wait, I've got it....he is the Bono of the young conservative movement!!!

...which tells you all you really need to know about the young conservative movement.

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