Tuesday, November 09, 2004


John Ashcroft has resigned as U.S. Attorney General, coming off a successful string of terrorist convictions...wait, what?

Give the man credit though, he performed his function admirably for the last four years, and that function was to make the rest of the Bush gang seem rational by comparison. This is known as the Derbyshire Effect. No word yet on who the administration's new Derbyshire will be.

Anyway, let's Let the Eagle Soar one more time, shall we?

Just in case anyone was wondering, John Derbyshire is still the Derbyshire of the National Review:

[W]e survived Carter, and he was followed by Reagan. One attempt at national suicide is quite enough for this writer's lifetime, though. Furthermore, the world is a less-stable place now than it was in 1976, and the wreckers loose in our own society are stronger, more confident, and more numerous.

It is those wreckers that most concern me: the arrogant judges, the academic deconstructors, the teacher-union multiculturalists, the media guilt-mongers, the love-the-world pacifists, the criminal-lovers and family-breakers, the inventors of bogus rights and destroyers of cherished traditions, the haters of normality and scoffers at restraint, the enterprise-destroying litigators and pain-feelers.

I do not fear that American civilization will be brought down by Osama bin Laden, or Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, or any foreign force at all — not even (if you will permit me a quick sarcastic poke in the eye to my paleo friends here) not even by the arch-fiend himself, Ariel Sharon! I do fear that this country might be made unfit to live in, as the country of my birth has been, by a misguided and corrupt humanitarianism, sentimental wallowing in past wrongs both real and imagined, and class and race resentment petted and nurtured by opportunistic tax-eaters.

Opportunistic tax-eaters, oh yes. Please refer to my next post for something about that.

As for Derbyshire's use of the term "wreckers," you know something's up when a stark raving conservative, writing in what used to be America's foremost anti-Communist journal, openly uses such Communist lingo to refer to those whom he obviously regards as enemies of the State.

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