Thursday, September 02, 2004


That seems to be the general response to Senator Zell Miller's speech last night. Democrats: "Wow, that guy is out his damn mind." Republicans: "Wow, I'm sure glad a Republican didn't deliver that speech."

I caught only a bit of the speech live. The transcript doesn't really do it justice, but if you try reading it in the voice of Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke you'll pretty much have it.

I do think that thanks are in order for Senator Miller, for both gathering that many right-wing shibboleths ("Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending," "he deny protective armor for our troops in harm's way")together in one place, the better for us to examine and dismiss them, and for emblemizing very well, his Democratic Party membership notwithstanding, the state of modern American conservatism: no positive ideas, only militarism, paranoid accusations of disloyalty, and the constant stoking of fear.

Daily Howler's got the goods.

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